The American
Center for Artists is an electronic magazine that focuses on the
biography and autobiography of famous and emerging writers, painters,
sculptors, musicians, and other artists. It also presents new and
reprinted works by these artists as well as articles about them.
P. White -
White - Art Editor / Webmaster
Book: I Am Everyone I Meet - Random Encounters on the Streets of Los Angeles
By Susan Salter Reynolds
June 7, 2009
Tabloid Books: 134 pp. paper
"In this collection of brief encounters with strangers on the streets
of Los Angeles, James P. White proves the poverty of that legacy. He
talks with people at bus stops, in lines, over counters. He talks with
homeless people, elderly people, travelers and the urban overwrought:
"Seeing the world as filled with strangers who threaten us or seeing
it as filled with other people who are like us and who interest us,
makes a difference."
The people White talks to, because it is Los Angeles, come from all
over the world. This makes the vignettes even more fascinating -- the
cab driver from Moscow who is the first person White has ever met who
is nostalgic for communism, the Latino man who has learned Japanese
while working in a Japanese restaurant, the Arab who lived in Israel
and proudly calls himself an Israeli Jew. "It is not so unusual," he
tells White. Not unusual but astounding, and fascinating. There is the
young man who looks so much like Jesus -- White learns that it can be
an annoying burden to look like Jesus. Why wouldn't anyone want to
look like Jesus? White wonders. "Why does this man have that face?"
White has an instinct for gentleness. A homeless man on a bus shows
him the contents of his bag. He wonders about things, about people's
lives. He is interested. This interest has a different quality than
caring or wanting things to be different.
White set out years ago to write a spiritual history of Los Angeles.
Not long into the project he realized "just how easily it could fail
under its own weight." So he wrote this book instead. Something
similar in many ways, but different."
Buy This Book...
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This one of a kind book was
designed and constructed at the Ziggurat Press by Walter Feldman in the
spring of 2002. It is one of a series that searches for meaning beyond
language. It has been suggested by some that one day a new kind of Rosetta
stone may be found that will reveal the complete meaning.
of a Kind Book" by Walter
Handmade book with symbols carved from wood
Perspective in Motion
by Ryan Jimenez
(BEVERLY HILLS, CA)—Artist Christopher Jules White explores the intersections of vivid color,
light and form in PERSPECTIVE IN MOTION, a collection of photo collages and paintings on
display at the Gregory Way Gallery in Beverly Hills. The exhibition of the Texas native's work
opens with a special reception at the Gallery on Saturday, March 26 from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00
p.m. and runs through April 30, 2011.
View the show's online catalog.
Abel Juarez's Cities
Abel Juarez, folk artist from Michoacan, creates imaginative buildings, houses, and churches drawn from his experiences in Mexico and in the U.S. His small scale sculptures depict his impressions of real life. They are distinguished by bright colors and lighting that create moods of celebration. One gallery owner calls them "Happy" pieces.
Abel Juarez
First Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival
by Eduardo Correia - Excerpt
- The opening film, Bellini and the Devil, is a 90 minute thriller directed by Marcelo Galvao and produced by Theodoro Fontes. The cast includes Fabio Assuncao, Nill Marcondes, Luisa Curvo and Marilia Gabriela. In this film, the detective Bellini is in a tough situation with his personal life. He has no cases to solve, his bills are mounting up, and he is psychologically unstable. He is trusted to be in charge of Dora Lobo.s office during her holidays. While doing this he pushes his life into a new direction, trying to solve his many problems.
mortician, liquidate, tonsorial, More...
Film Review: The Magnate
by Eduardo Correia and James P. White - Excerpt
- The beginning of The Magnate shows scenes of skilled skate boarders including Bob Burnquist flying over stairs and railings. These skaters have no limits. Girls are riding the skateboards just as well as the guys. The art of skateboarding is clear; these are artists. The director shows his control of the moment, capturing the grace and daring of the athletes. The photography deserves an award. The audience is brought into the excitement andMore...
Film Review: The Grain
by Eduardo Correia and James P. White - Excerpt
- This extraordinary film shows the life of a simple family with five members and a dog living in the north of Brazil. Their grandmother Perpetua is very sick and the love between her and her grandson is enormous. She decides to prepare her grandson Zeca for her death and she starts telling him the story of a king and queen who lost their only son
mortician, liquidate, tonsorial, More...
Film Review: Adagio Sostenuto
by Eduardo Correia - Excerpt
- The experience of watching Adagio Sostenuto is remarkably like being at an opera. The rich visual experience is admirably achieved by Antonio Luis Mendez. Included in the film are two Vermeer and two Rembrandt paintings which go along with the beautiful music by Listz, Debussy, Beethoven, Shubert, and Cohen. The music brings emotional needs to be expressed by the actors and the acting equally makes demands on the music.
mortician, liquidate, tonsorial, More...
for the Show - an
article about Academy Award
Winners Robert Pirosh and Harry Brown
by James P. White - Excerpt
- I like words. I like fat buttery words such as ooze, turpitude, glutinous, toady. I like solemn, angular, creaky words such as straitlaced, cantankerous, pecunious, valedictory. I like spurious, black-is-white words such as
mortician, liquidate, tonsorial, More...